Hypnotica – Sphinx of imagination
Painting scenarios riddled with ambiguity and allegory, Hypnotica invokes the spirit of traditional storytelling from the most ancient of times, tapping into an Akashic library of universal references and resources.
$10.00$19.95 -
Anthony Metivier – The Magnetic Memory Method Masterclass
This course introduces you to the most powerful memory techniques on earth. Learn everything in a friendly setting from a master memory instructor. No stone is left unturned in this introductory course.
$48.00$497.00 -
Jennifer Partridge – Tapping into Emotional Mastery
The Tapping Into Mastery program presents an opportunity for anyone to learn Jennifer’s unique approach to tapping, and step into a new life of emotional freedom and mastery.
$39.00$199.00 -
Michael Neill – Coaching From the Inside Out
Coaching from the inside out isn’t just about getting more out of a person in the moment. It’s about pointing them towards the source of great performance until they see it for themselves and can connect with it almost at will.
$55.00$495.00 -
Tad James and Wyatt Woodsmall – NLP Master Practitioner Training 1988
These advanced tools operate at both the conscious and unconscious levels, & are most profound in the context of Personal Development & Professional Coaching.
$57.00 -
Mark Manson – Masculine Power Now
You’re going to transform into a man who knows what to say to a woman, knows exactly how to act in her presence, and knows how to touch her, creating an attraction that will make her desire you and only you. It’s time to get excited!
$25.00$97.00 -
Connirae and Steve Andreas – Missing NLP Products
Gain specific methods for resolving life issues, coping with day-to-day stresses, improving relationships, changing unwanted feelings, and overcoming limitations that keep you from getting what you want.
$68.00$373.00 -
Hale Dwoskin – Sedona Method – Facilitator Training 2021
What follows is a partial review of what is in the book and the more advanced material we will be covering that is not contained in the book. Please read the first 7 chapters of the book before you attend this online event.
$47.00$897.00 -
Forbes Robbins Blair – Genie Within DELUXE Program
The Genie Within Deluxe shows you how to acquire your own “magical” genie lamp and use it to make your hopes come true. The real magic, of course, comes from your mind.
$10.00$27.00 -
Dain Heer – Six Set of Processes to Change Your World
Originally trained as a chiropractor, he has a completely different approach to energetic change and healing by facilitating people to tap into and recognize their own capacities, potency and knowing.
$57.00$250.00 -
Larry Crane – Release Technique CDs – Special Clean-Up – 256k and FLAC
For years, at advanced 7-day retreats, the most amazing and powerful releasing clean-up sessions are conducted. Spawned by the intense energy and releasing momentum, these sessions often go to very high places of consciousness.
$20.00$59.00 -
Bashar – Tools of Success Workshop
Do you desire more success? In this dynamic and clarifying workshop, Bashar explores what may keeping you from experiencing explosive success and shows you how to recognize the path leading to the greatest fulfillment of your most exciting dreams.
$8.00$10.00 -
George Hutton – Natural Influence deluxe
Extensive training and deep hypnosis to unleash your natural influence. Deluxe Course.
$17.00$49.00 -
Mr Twenty-Twenty – Candid Creation
Salt – Symbolism – Shamanics – Healing and creation truly do involve symbolism and when you hear how “salt” shows up in my life – both symbolically and literally – you’ll probably notice some really “weird” things that have been holding you back from your blessings too.
$12.00$27.00 -
David Berceli – Pathway to Healing A Trauma Recovery Program
It includes exercises designed to release chronic muscular tension, psychological insight to restore healthy thinking and a personal reflection process to rebuild one’s belief system.
$12.00$30.00 -
David Berceli – Trauma Releasing Exercises
This is not a high definition DVD but it remains a classic. It features Dr. Berceli giving step by step instruction of the exercises in a group setting. It also includes interviews with 6 therapists who share their personal experiences with TRE.
$10.00$18.00 -
Arabelle Yee – Embodiment Breathwork
Access the altered states of consciousness that you’re not able to access in your daily waking life. Speed up the healing process, collapse timelines and quantum leap your personal transformation.
$22.00$76.00 -
Arnold Patent – Money
Money is the guide to support us in playing the next part that uncovers what the first part was designed to hide — a life of total joy and unlimited abundance.
$11.00$28.00 -
Arnold Patent – You Can Have It All
The You Can Have It All audiobook is available for download in mp3 format. The entire text is read by the author.