Sean Fargo – Mindfulness Teaching Fundamentals
This step-by-step course will provide you with everything you need to know about teaching mindfulness and meditation in secular, professional environments.
$40.00$495.00 -
Silvia Hartmann – Energy Dancing
Developed and Created by Dr Silvia Hartmann, Energy Dancing is a truly delightful process that is DESIGNED for people who want to be really alive – and enjoying this incarnation!
$10.00$27.50 -
Eldeen Thorne – NLP New Code Games
The MindBody Project are specialists in Mental & Physical Health. We are here to serve those with Depression, Anxiety, Phobias and Mindset for Weight Loss.
$30.00 -
Joe Dispenza – Changing Beliefs and Perceptions
In this meditation you will learn how to change your belief or perception about yourself that stops you from creating the life you want. For more information, refer to Dr Joe’s book You Are the Placebo.
$15.00$25.00 -
Richard Geller and Artour Rakhimov – Oxygen Remedy Webinars
The lessons for the course will take place on Wednesdays each week at 9 pm Eastern Time (USA). Apart from these lessons, there are regular teleconference calls, where you can ask your personal questions.SalePage
$30.00 -
Ricardo Booysens – Developing Psychic Powers Course
The ancient cave people had no elaborate equipment which we take for granted now. All they had were primitive weapons, their strength and their natural powers upon which their survival depended.
$15.00$37.00 -
Bashar – Shedding New Light on Negative Belief
I’ve heard you say before to “know thyself” and I have also heard a transmission where you encourage questioners to say that they don’t know. Can you clarify those two ideas?
$20.00$50.00 -
Jon Mercer – Magnetic Personality
You’ll get same powerful NLP affirmations packed into one cool little affirmation session! $24.95 Order today and put that twinkle back in your eye!
$10.00$24.95 -
Joe Dispenza – Blessing of the Energy Centers 5 – Connecting and Aligning
At the end of the meditation, Dr Joe will instruct you to lie down, surrender, and program your autonomic nervous system into more homeostasis and balance.
$10.00$25.00 -
Joe Dispenza – Blessing of the Energy Centers 6 – Activation
Larger sized downloads (like audio books) come in zip folders. You will need to unzip these files after downloading, in order to access the MP3 or MP4 files.
$10.00$25.00 -
Carrie Cardozo – Soul Expression 10 day
That plan describes what lessons you are here to learn, what experience you can have, and who is meant to be an important person in your life.
$115.00$444.00 -
Igor Ledochowski – Beyond Self Hypnosis 2020
Then… what if… again following on from the analogy… you could consciously (at will) through a series of mental exercises… “step out beyond” the play pen and into, say, a HUGE meadow.
$75.00$431.00 -
Robert Dilts – NLP Practitioner Residential Certification
The most effective process for actually acquiring or improving skills comes through experiential exercises which provide immediate feedback and are organized around what is known in NLP as the T.O.T.E.
$150.00$1,900.00 -
Jack Canfield – Maximum Confidence Audio Course 2020
Jack Canfield’s best-seller, Maximum Confidence is the ideal first step for anyone starting to build self-esteem in one’s self or in others.
$25.00$65.00 -
Brent Phillips – The Formula for Wealth
Use special binaural beats audio technology and embedded healing energy to release your subconscious blocks to wealth, prosperity, and success!
$45.00$347.00 -
George Hutton – Alpha Female
With a solid idea of what you’re looking for, you’ll not only become MUCH MORE attractive (people with a plan usually are!) but you’ll also have a MUCH BETTER chance of finding him!
$10.00$19.00 -
George Hutton – Alpha Male
Without saying a word, you’ve suddenly become the focal point. The anchor to everybody’s attention. All women want to be with you. All men want to be you.