John Jonas – Replace Myself
Outsourcing Is A Different Experience When You Know Where and How To Do It Correctly.
$75.00$997.00 -
Joseph Riggio – P4 – Personal Performance & Leadership – Advanced Somatics Training
Architect and Designer of the MythoSelf Process and Soma-Semantics
$75.00$499.00 -
Truths About Money That You Have Never Been Told
Learn the difference between traditional anchoring and what actually works in the “real world”
$75.00$500.00 -
David Snyder – Secrets Of Face Reading
Find Your Life Purpose and Become More Fully On Your Path To Fulfillment Than Ever Before
$75.00$497.00 -
Academysacredgeometry.com – Opening the Golden Door of Sacred Geometry
You amuse me, said Plato, you who think I am imposing impractical studies upon you…like geometry.
$75.00$450.00 -
Gloria Latham – Liberate Your Self-Worth Through Kundalini
Our exclusive Facebook online community is the perfect place to continue your discovery process after each class.
$75.00$297.00 -
Kathara Bio-Spiritual Healing System-Level 1
The Kathara Bio-Spiritual Healing System® Level-1 Workshop and meditations
$75.00$574.00 -
Richard Sears – Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy
Mindfulness will offer your client a better quality of life…if you can effectively integrate it into your practice. But like many clinicians, you might be frustrated with mindfulness because you don’t have concrete, practical ways to incorporate it for specific situations and symptoms such as PTSD, anxiety, chronic pain, addictions, and depression.
$75.00$299.00 -
Dr. Sue Morter – Life Mastery Through Meditation Video Course
As an International speaker and doctor with 30 years of experience, Dr. Sue’s visionary models and techniques have ignited an entirely new approach to accessing creative genius and living from personal freedom.
$75.00$295.00 -
Brian Rose – Broadcast Yourself
This show that began as a hobby has now become a lucrative lifestyle business. One that pays better than your old 9-5, gives you complete freedom, and helped you launch your own mini-empire.
$75.00$2,997.00 -
Igor Ledochowski – Beyond Self Hypnosis 2020
Then… what if… again following on from the analogy… you could consciously (at will) through a series of mental exercises… “step out beyond” the play pen and into, say, a HUGE meadow.
$75.00$431.00 -
Sue Morter – MEDI-21-VR Life Mastery Through Meditation Video Course
As an International speaker and doctor with 30 years of experience, Dr. Sue’s visionary models and techniques have ignited an entirely new approach to accessing creative genius and living from personal freedom.
$75.00$295.00 -
Where it becomes really “interesting” is when you transfer onto someone, they typically start acting out and adopting the behavior you have unconsciously transferred onto them.
$75.00 -
Arcturian Color Therapy Self-Study Course mp3s
This process will further anchor these unique vibrations into the physical. After this training, you will have an array of healing frequencies to use in your therapeutic tool box.
$75.00$247.00 -
Anat Baniel – NeuroMovement for Parent And Child with Special Needs 5 Day Workshop
NeuroMovement® Lessons to reduce your stress and pain, experience firsthand the remarkable potential of your brain for positive change, and how you might bring it to your child.
$75.00$247.00 -
David Snyder – Cpi
Weak Words, Adverb Adjective Presuppositions, Job Interviewing. Interviewing, Swish Pattern, Meetups, Temporal & Ordinal Language Patterns