Richard Bandler – The Bandler Effect
This is the opportunity to see the amazing change work of Dr. Richard Bandler up close and personal and learn the master skills.
$55.00$159.00 -
Richard Bandler – Neurosonics Brain Fitness Series
These sessions go way beyond any other technology to improve your results in specific areas of brain fitness and your personal life.
$45.00$160.00 -
Richard Bandler – Ascona 2003 Seminar
wird der Trance-Zustand nicht unterbrochen – die Protagonisten sitzen wunderbar entspannt, mit einer Armlevitation, lächelnd.
$70.00$339.00 -
Richard Bandler – 30 Years of NLP – How to live a Happy life
At the same time Richard provides the opportunity to change those things that don’t work so people can choose to live a “happy life”.
$45.00$157.00 -
Reginald A Ray – Mahamudra for the Modern World
More than 40 guided meditations unfolded through a series of increasingly subtle and profound practices
$25.00$133.00 -
Quantum Transformation Course
Improved relationships, the ability to attract your soul mate, more win-win business deals and partnerships.
$65.00$297.00 -
Penis Enlargement Delux – Maximum Strength Hypnosis for Maximum Growth
The key to hypnosis is that it helps you visualize an alternative reality with such intensity that your entire being is conditioned to making that reality true.
$50.00$299.00 -
Paul Wong – Art of Neutrality – Foundations + Inner Zen
This training video clearly illustrates the specific awareness shifting exercises that will bring you closer to the state of neutrality. When you deepen your experience and understanding of this awareness of being neutral, self-healing occurs naturally and rapidly.
$50.00$197.00 -
Paul Scheele Paraliminals – Genius Code
So stupendous do their talents appear to the rest of us, that we look upon such geniuses as divinely gifted beings endowed with what appear to be supernatural powers.
$55.00$357.00 -
Paul Scheele – Ultimate You Mindfest 2012 and 2013
All you will have to do is push play, close your eyes, relax, and listen to one of the “Paraliminal” sessions featured during the Ultimate You Mindfest.
$40.00$199.00 -
Mafia Trading – Mindset Trader Day Trading Course
This chapter will discuss the proper steps to Account Building. I will discuss the different routes you should and should NOT take when building a day trading account.
Chapter 4: Choosing A Broker$70.00$597.00 -
Quantum Mind Power – The Morry Method
– stop procrastination, boost your motivation and self confidence, develop laser-sharp focus and concentration to get more things done in less time…
$20.00$299.00 -
Randall Churchill – Regression Hypnotherapy Hypnosis Instruction
Mr. Churchill explains the steps he uses to deal with clients and regression to cause. He covers issues such as false memories, leading, as well as uses for regression besides addressing negative issues.
$35.00$149.00 -
Quantum Abundance Method
Together, he and I scraped together what we could and moved to Hawaii – where I took care of him until he passed away.
$25.00$197.00 -
Paul Scheele – The Complete Ultimate You Library Paraliminals
The Ultimate You Library. Each Paraliminal comes with a colorful 20-page booklet filled with tips and insights.
$135.00$1,105.00 -
Paul Scheele – Natural Brilliance
“I want to push forward and succeed, but it doesn’t happen the way I want.” Then, someone took your genius away. Reclaim it now. (While there is still time)…
$25.00$149.00 -
Paul R. Scheele. Ph.D. – Paraliminal Resets: How to Shift Your Mood. or Change Your State of Mind in 12 Seconds
Phase 1 – Listen to the 12-minute version of the Reset and you’re in the new state of mind. It uses our Paraliminal technology.
$60.00$300.00 -
Paul Bloom – Introduction to Psychology
How Children Learn the Meanings of Words and Descartes’ Baby: How the Science of Child Development Explains What Makes Us Human
$65.00$297.00 -
Nikki Fatale – Erotic Hypnosis
Imagine for me now, a dream where you are drawn to a cabin in the woods, and as you enter you are intoxicated by a sexual musky scent and mesmerized by soft erotic music with a hypnotic beat.
$50.00$145.00 -
Owen Fitzpatrick – Adventures in Charisma
They then consider you to be interesting, engaging and worth being around. Once you learn how to become more charismatic