L. Michael Hall and Bob Bodenhamer – Adventures With Time-Lines
As human beings, we live in time in a way that no other creature does. Time is one of the primary matrices of our mind. As temporal creatures, we have to cope with time.
[1 eBook – PDF]
$11.00$25.00 -
John Meadows – Program X
We will be training for rate of force development as well as maximal strength. To do this we use submaximal loads and train purely for speed on some exercises (it may seem light, but it will work)
[ 1 eBook – PDF ]
$30.00$99.00 -
Julian Scott – Healing the Eyes with Acupuncture
This 3-DVD set presents over 4 hours of illustrated lessons and demonstrations of techniques for treating eye disorders with acupuncture. The DVDs are presented by Julian Scott, author of Acupuncture for the Eyes.
[3 DVD – 23 MP4]
$21.00$59.95 -
Judy Satori – Weight Loss for Body and Mind
The final seventh week is a physical tweaking relating to your urge to eat, overeating problems, and hormonal balance. By the end of the seven weeks you should see excellent results, but if you feel the energy needs to go deeper, you can repeat all or part of the program. After completing the program you can also use any of the tracks out of sequence to receive the added effects of their unique benefits.
$16.00$40.00 -
Judy Dragon – Moving Beyond: Healing The Trauma of Physical & Sexual Abuse Through ThetaHealing
This educational and practical book was created to assist ThetaHealing® teachers and practitioners to help heal those with conscious and repressed physical and sexual abuse memories and trauma.
$10.00$19.97 -
John Peterson – Isometric Power Revolution
Isometrics Power Revolution is the most comprehensive and effective Isometrics fitness and training system ever devised, created to powerfully strengthen and sculpt every muscle in the entire body.
[1 ebook – PDF]
$14.00$34.95 -
John Hansen – The MP6 Power and Mass Cycle Workout Videos
The MP6 Workout is an Advanced Training Program for those who are interested in getting both Bigger and Stronger. This program is based on the concept that a “Bigger Muscle is a Stronger Muscle”.
[15 DVDs – MP4, 4 eBooks- PDF]
$10.00$19.00 -
Lisa Bullock & Shawna Kaminski – The 20 Minute Anti-Aging Solution For Her
You can actually control many of the variables that contribute to your biological age. The research on aging says that inflammation is a huge problem that makes the body older. If your body is more inflamed, you’ll age faster. There are lots of details about free radicals, oxidation, hormones, etc.
(10 Ebooks – Pdf’s – 37 Videos – Mp4)
$10.00$19.00 -
Leon Scott – Lean 365
Here’s What You’ll Get with my 70 Page eBook that’s Readable on any Device: My Full Workout and Diet I use to keep LEAN all year round, that is fully customisable to fit your schedule, 2 Week Depletion Diet & , Workout, that can burn off excess water and fat very quickly, without muscle loss.[1 eBook – PDF]
$13.00$34.00 -
Lee Holden – Qi Gong For Upper Back and Neck Pain
The cause of back pain is difficult to diagnose. In fact, according to a recent article in The New York Times, doctors fail to identify the cause in 85% of the cases they see. That doesn’t make back pain any less uncomfortable or real. Even in a society where an abundance of surgeries and medications promise relief, millions still suffer.
[1 DVD – ISO]
$10.00$19.95 -
Majid Ali – Erectile Dysfunction Seminar
Erectile dysfunction is but one face of what I designate as gender devolution. Men becoming women-like and women becoming men-like. Drugs and synthetic chemicals are two important causes of it. Please consider this three part seminar “Dr. Ali’s Course on Erectile Dysfunction
[3 WebRip – 3 MOV]
$5.00$9.95 -
Joey Yap – Fung Shui Mastery – Level 1
Lesson 1) FSP1104 – The Luo Shu & He Tu: Numerology In Feng Shui, Lesson 2)FSP1105 – Qi In Feng Shu, iLesson 3)FSP1106 – Introducing The Eight Trigrams (Ba Gua), Lesson 4)FSP1107 – The Trigrams, Lesson 5)FSP1108 – Early & Later Heaven Ba Gua, Lesson
$100.00$650.00 -
Larry Goldfarb – Articulating Changes
Articulating Changes offers an explicit, clear framework for understanding the method developed by Moshe Feldenkrais. Using a systemic approach that borrows concepts from cybernetics – like contraints and feedback – Larry develops a model for understanding how the Feldenkrais Method® works. Each chapter interweaves case studies with the concepts, illustrating these ideas in a remarkably readable way.
[1 eBook – PDF]
$14.00$35.00 -
Julie Rubio – Yoga Can Balance Your Life
Check out this hot new Yoga DVD release, ‘A Complete Yoga Workout for a Complete and Balanced Life’ with San Francisco yoga instructor Julie Rubio. Take the first step to looking good and feeling great. Re-energize yourself and build the foundation for a healthier life.
[DVD rip – 1 AVI]
$10.00$14.88 -
John Kiefer – Carb Back Loading
At this point, I should be starting my sales pitch, but I’ll be honest with you, I don’t have time to write a huge, sprawling sales letter. Like so many other pioneers in this industry, selling is not my business: doing is. Working with clients, discovering and applying cutting edge systems doesn’t leave time for a lot of smoke-blowing. I bet you’re busy too, so I won’t waste your time
[1 PDF]
$21.00$57.00 -
Jim Arthur – Harlan Kilstein – The Hypnotic Diet Platinum
How many times have you told yourself, “This is it! Now I am really going to lose this weight,” only to drop out of your weight loss program a month later totally frustrated by the process? You ate the right foods. You drank gallons of water. But the weight did not budge.
[18 CDs – 31 MP3s 1 ebook – PDF]
$49.00$197.00 -
Joseph Muscolino – Joint Mobilization of the Upper Extremity
Learn how to perform joint mobilization for all the joints of the upper extremity (shoulder, elbow, radioulnar, wrist and joints of the hand). Joint mobilization is the most effective technique to loosen and stretch the intrinsic fascial tissues of the joints! As a bonus, this DVD also includes a review of kinesiology of the upper extremity.
[WebRip – 1 MP4]
$20.00$49.95 -
Majid Ali – Principles and Practices of Integrative Medicine Volume 4 – Integrative Immunology and Allergy 2ed (2005)
In this volume, I strive to look at immunity and atopy through the prism of oxygen. I believe the readers will agree that in doing that I delineate a new domain of thinking about clinical problems encountered in those fields.Oxygen is the organizing influence of human biology and governs both the aging process and the health/dis-ease/disease continuum
[1 Scan OCR – 1 PDF]
$14.00$35.00 -
Karen Fischer – Younger Skin in 28 Days: The Fast-Track Diet for Beautiful Skin and a Cellulite-Proof Body
Beautiful skin is not only for the genetically blessed – everyone can enjoy the self-confidence that comes from looking their best, regardless of age. In ‘Younger Skin in 28 Days’, award-winning author and nutritionist Karen Fischer reveals how you can firm and tone your skin and take years off your appearance in a matter of weeks. Among the many skin conditions that can be improved are
[Ebook – 1 Epub, 1 PDF]
$5.00$9.99 -
Kate Vidulich – News – Ultimate Accelerator Bundle
Seriously, who needs hours upon hours of lame cardio and boring strength routines? Especially when you can triple your calorie burn in HALF the training time. Now you can use this proven done for you system all while saving an additional $ in the process!
[15 ebooks – PDF, 8 videos – MP4]