Kate Freeman – Heart Of Releasing – Beyond Identity
Brenda Gold is a Certified Releasing Coach with Heart of Releasing™. She has been formally Releasing for 3 years, though she sometimes feels as though she has been Releasing all her life.
$15.00$47.00 -
Kate Freeman – Heart Of Releasing – Masters for Daily Releasing
Love – If you want a relationship, or a better one, or even just to clean up one from the past, this is the Release for you! Clear out anything about Love, loving, etc.
$35.00$97.00 -
Kate Freeman – Heart Of Releasing – Basic Releasing Course
Thank you for your interest in Heart of Releasing! Our Basic Release Process™ Course by Master Teacher Kate Freeman, is the first step in your Releasing Journey.
$10.00$27.00 -
George McCloskey, Lynne Kenney, Kathy Morris – Executive Function Mastery Course – Evidence-Based Strategies to Improve Attention, Memory and Self-Regulation
Whether you’re an OT, SLP, counselor, teacher, or social worker, you’ll leave this course feeling confident in your ability to dramatically improve the lives of your clients struggling with EF deficits.
$70.00 -
Release Technique CDs – Special Teachers Clean Up – MP3 96k
Over time, as the Amazon catalog has grown and more specific product categories have been added, Everything Else has become less useful and more of a junkyard for cast off and forgotten listings.
$20.00 -
Release Technique – Final Step Retreat March 1-7 2009
Unfortunately, some of these files may seem as though they cut out abruptly at the end of them, this could not be helped as these were the only audio files available on the RT site.
$25.00 -
Release Technique – Larry Crane and others – Bristol Retreat 2009 Cleanups
Unfortunately, some of these files may seem as though they cut out abruptly at the end of them, this could not be helped as these were the only audio files available on the RT site.
$25.00 -
Release Technique – Larry Crane and others – Vail 2009 Lesterizing Goals Mastery Cleanups
Medicine encompasses a variety of health care practices evolved to maintain and restore health by the prevention and treatment of illness.
$25.00 -
2018 High Risk Obstetrics Current Trends, Treatments and Issues
Her extensive experiences in obstetrics have provided her with keen insight into these often challenging and frightening situations.
$50.00$219.00 -
Hale Dwoskin – Practical Freedom
Self-help or self-improvement is a self-guided improvementóeconomically, intellectually, or emotionallyóoften with a substantial psychological basis.
$40.00 -
Historically, feng shui was widely used to orient buildings—often spiritually significant structures such as tombs, but also dwellings and other structures—in an auspicious manner.
$55.00$220.00 -
Primal Thrive – Lion’s Mane, Healthy Hair for You
You might think that when your hair falls out it is there is nothing you can do against it, especially if you are a man they will say it is genetic or it is a cause of elevated DHT, which is another form of testosterone.
$30.00$86.00 -
Prune Harris – Spring Energetics
Being aligned with the energy of spring has a profound impact on your health, your vitality, and your ability to connect into really living your life purpose.
$55.00$298.00 -
Prune Harris – Love Your Liver
Learn new, easy, and powerful techniques you can return to again and again to nurture and revitalise your liver and connect deeply to your energy systems
$70.00$364.00 -
Cheryl O’Neil – Hypnosis and ADD – Online Certification Course
In this seminar, you will learn how anyone can become a superior student, worker or partner by improving focus, organization, and follow through.
$30.00$88.00 -
Melissa Joy – Joy Mapping – Healing the Heart
Live attendance is optional. If you are unable to attend live, you will automatically receive the recording 24 hours following live transmission.
$60.00$600.00 -
Michael Neill – Coaching Mastery 2.0
If this is you, you’ve probably got a sense that you could be really good at this along with the occasional sinking feeling that you’re not really making as much of a difference as you’d like.
$140.00$795.00 -
MindBodyGreens – Functional Nutrition Course
These are the type of wellness practitioners & professionals we want treating us as patients & consumers, and this is why we’ve created mindbodygreen Health Coaching.
$500.00$1,999.00 -
Noah Elkrief – Release the blocks to true self worth
This online course is designed to help you to live with genuine confidence, security, and authenticity by helping you to heal & release 12 of the most painful beliefs you have about yourself.
$40.00$197.00 -
Pamala Oslie – Premium Aura Colors Course
The knowledge about what the different aura colors reveal can help you live a happier and more fulfilling life because you’ll better understand yourself and everyone else in your world.