Josh Gerrity – The Ultimate Guide to Treating Hand and Wrist Injuries
Clinicians have seen countless patients – from assembly line workers with carpal tunnel to high level athletes with ligament injuries – rediscover the joys of functional
$50.00$219.00 -
J.C. Andersen – The Ultimate Guide to Treating Hip, Groin And Thigh Injuries – Restore Function And Performance in Fewer Sessions with Today’s Best Practices
Learn how to get to the root cause of impairment faster with streamlined examination strategies that allow you to spend more time treating critical patient problems.
$50.00$219.00 -
Joan Junkin – The Ultimate Hands-On Wound Care Clinical Lab
You are on the front lines of providing care to patients with a variety of skin and wound conditions, and play a critical role in patient outcomes and your facility’s bottom line.
$50.00$219.00 -
Glenn Sullivan – The Suicidal Client – Identify Suicidal Thoughts, Reduce Suicidal Behaviors, and Effectively Manage Crisis Situations
Discover how you can transform the weight and worry of working with suicidality into the peace of mind of knowing you have what it takes to effectively help clients in their darkest hours.
$50.00$219.00 -
Vicki Steine – The Power of Nutrition And Integrative Interventions in Mental Health
Explore how physical health impacts brain and behavior, and how integrative and functional medicine applies to psychotherapy and clinical practice.
$50.00$219.00 -
Frank Anderson – The Psychotherapy of Psychopharmacology – What every Mental Health Professional needs to know
Like most mental health professionals you imagine you play no role with your clients and their meds. But you do play an important role in the success of medications your clients take.
$50.00$219.00 -
Stephen F Grinstead – The New Rules for Treating Chronic Pain – Addiction-Free Solutions in the Era of Opioid Crisis
Watch chronic pain management expert, Dr. Stephen F. Grinstead, Dr. AD, LMFT, ACRPS, for this one-day program and get the proper understanding
$50.00$219.00 -
Terry Casey – The Ethics of Digital Practice – An Essential Guide to Providing Quality Care, Navigating Ethical Issues and Managing Legal Risk
Join Terry Casey, Ph.D, clinical psychologist and ethics expert, for this training and take away a practical and easy-to-use method for navigating ethical and legal technology issues.
$50.00$219.00 -
Brooks W. Baer – The DSM-5 for Clinicians – Accurate Diagnosis and Effective Treatment Planning
The DSM® is possibly the most underutilized tool in mental health. Many clinicians see it as a necessary evil that must be learned in order to bill for services.
$50.00$219.00 -
Susan Fralick-Ball – The Brain in Detail
Designed with the bedside clinician in mind, this seminar is appropriate for all healthcare professionals wanting to improve assessment skills
$50.00$219.00 -
Bill Pierce And Scott Murr – The Art and Science of the Perfect Run – Reduce Injuries and Increase Performance
The high-volume training schedule of runners often makes them frequent flyers in your clinic. They always seem to have a nagging injury that never quite goes away.
$50.00$219.00 -
Shaun Goulbourne – The Best Sports Rehab Interventions
Watch Dr. Shaun Goulbourne as he shares new techniques and tests that will empower you to counteract the unique stressors of today’s sports.
$50.00$219.00 -
Douglas Braun-Harvey – Talking About Sex with Every Client – What Every Clinician Needs to Know
Clients expect therapists to initiate informed, confident and relevant discussions about sex, yet many therapists unwittingly hinder this expectation.
$50.00$219.00 -
Nicholas Kardaras – Tech Addiction And Digital Health in Children Adolescents And Young Adults – Level 1 Certification for Clinicians And Educators
Dr. Nicholas Kardaras is an internationally renowned expert on tech addition, author of the best-selling book Glow Kids, and executive director of one of the world’s top rehabs
$50.00$219.00 -
Leslie W. Baker And Mary Ruth Cross – Suicidality and Suicide Loss in Children and Teens – Prevent Suicide and Restore Hope to Kids Grieving After Traumatic Loss
You’ll also learn how to apply play therapy interventions for children and teens whose worlds’ have been shattered following a loved ones’ death by suicide.
$50.00$219.00 -
Meagan N. Houston – Suicide And Non-Suicidal Self Injury – New Directions for the Treatment of Suicidal and NSSI Behaviors
Drawing from her years of experience across various populations and treatment settings, Dr. Meagan Houston will provide proven skills in conducting thorough suicide risk assessments
$50.00$219.00 -
Elena Welsh – Stop Panic In Its Tracks – Evidence-Based Treatment Strategies for Managing and Eliminating Panic Attacks
Watch anxiety expert and author, Elena Welsh, Ph.D., as she shares her treatment secrets that consistently improve the lives of her clients suffering from panic and anxiety
$50.00$219.00 -
Mitch Hauschildt – Screen, Steer, Move – Quickly Identify and Correct Faulty Movement Patterns
This step-by-step process will result in improved clinical outcomes and increased performance in your client population.