GI Bootcamp For the Healthcare Team – Peter Buch
How many times have you been frustrated when you review your patient’s abnormal liver function tests? Is it Hepatitis A, B, C, a medication side effect or Fatty Liver Disease?
$67.00$219.00 -
Stress Reduction Strategies for Nurses Revitalize Your Practice
- Learn and Practice Quick Stress Busters: Four Square Breathing, Recruiting the Senses, STOP
$67.00$219.00 -
Lores Vlaminck – Care When There is No Cure for Patients with End Stage Diseases
focus was teaching his caregivers about this legacy; he did not want it lost with his death.
$67.00$219.00 -
The Ultimate One-Day Diabetes Course
Empower your patients to better manage their diabetes and improve their quality of life.
$67.00$219.00 -
Kate Cohen-Posey – Neuroscience for Clinicians
- Leave with resources for introducing and implementing these life-altering skills with your clients
$67.00$219.00 -
Roger Jahnke – 4 Dimensions Of Medical Qigong
How you can use and keep these new Medical Qigong practices for the rest of your life
$67.00$297.00 -
Anodea Judith – Manifesting A Dream Through Your Chakras
How to complete each step and not leave out any pesky details until you’re done
$67.00$297.00 -
Gray Institute – 3D Maps
3DMAPS leverages movements that are authentic to everyday life by using all three planes of motion. Using 3DMAPS, you can examine, evaluate, and treat patients or clients based on the knowledge that one part of the body effects another.
$67.00$395.00 -
Brent Phillips – Unleash Your Inner Millionaire II
He was so transformed by this experience that he gave up his career in technology and dedicated all of his science and engineering talent and experience to master instant healing and personal holistic transformation.
$68.00$397.00 -
Paul R. Scheele – Natural Brilliance
It starts with you using the reimagined Natural Brilliance personal learning course to overcome challenges at will and create a life of natural brilliance.
$69.00$460.00 -
Win Hof Method – Fundamentals
The Fundamentals video course teaches you the Wim Hof Method in the context of real-world scenarios. Each week has its own theme, centered around an area of everyday life that the WHM can directly impact— such as stress, creativity, and sleep.
$70.00$297.00 -
Mindvalley – Energy Medicine
The Energy Medicine Course Empowers You To Learn: your body’s nine energy systems, so you can erase the energetic blocks and negative charges that restrict healing and cause illness,..
Author: Mindvalley
$70.00$349.00 -
RSD Julien – PIMP
After about 4-6 months,I went to a bar after collecting all these reference experiences. Did some routines on a girl I knew of, boom fucked her
$70.00$497.00 -
RSD Papa – Founder Club
That’s what RSD Founder’s Club is all about – it’s about giving you the tools you need in order to develop the skills that you want.
$70.00$497.00 -
NRYNE Online
nner game is not what most people in the community assume it or what it generally is stereotyped as
$70.00$369.00 -
Sarah Lurie – Kettlebells the Iron Core Way Vol 2
Instruction on the more advanced kettlebell lifts , like the snatch, and a 45 minute sweat- inducing workout guarantee you will lose fat and inches forever!
$70.00 -
Caroline Myss (Gaia Origianl) – Sacred Power
especially the choices we make affect our wellness. One clear choice, no matter how insignificant, can redirect the course of your life.
$70.00$497.00 -
Six Pack Abs – Abs After 40 Nutrition System
weekly meal plan blueprint that can be prepared just once a week, in under 60 minutes.
$70.00$497.00 -
Mindvalley All Access Pass – Module 8: Longevity Quest
(In fact, this system is such a steal that we might be ridiculous to give it out…)