Lyle McDonald – The Stubborn Fat Solution
Stubborn fat is stubborn for a number of inter-related physiological reasons such as hormone receptor number or blood flow. Those and others combine to make losing stubborn fat difficult or (seemingly) impossible.
$15.00$47.00 -
Lyle Mcdonald – The Protein Book
Those questions are all context dependent. The type of sport, the goals of the athletes and the specifics of the situation all determine the answer. There can’t be any single answer that is correct for all athletes, situations and goals.
$20.00$52.00 -
Lyle McDonald – Applied Nutrition For Mixed Sports
The book/seminar starts with a discussion of the specific needs of mixed sports athletes. This leads into a discussion of the different components of nutrition. Energy intake, dietary protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals are all discussed in some detail.
$15.00$45.00 -
Lori Spagna – Sacred Energy Healing & Activations
These Sacred Energy Activations and Healing Transmissions are provided as direct downloads and uploads directly from the Purest, Clearest Vibration of Original Divine Source ~ Creator of All That Is.
[WebRip – 10 MP3s]
$15.00$44.00 -
Linda Walker – HRV Training Course
Lesson 1 – Definition of HRV, review of the autonomic nervous system, foundational discussion of Porges’ Polyvagal and Neurovisceral theories, basic examination of the HRV measurements.
$35.00$99.00 -
LifeFlow 2.0 – Meditation Program
Now, Lifeflow comes in to bridge the gap between the time you begin meditating to when you get to enjoy the calming effects and control of your emotions, among other advantages of meditation.
$25.00$67.00 -
James Marshall – Marshall Meditation Method – Week 1
You’re probably already familiar with the concept of meditation. It’s become mainstream popular with books like “The Power of Now”. Initially it seems pretty simple, right?
$60.00$497.00 -
Ann Dyer – Zyoga The Yoga Sleep Ritual
Hosted by Ann Dyer, Zyoga: The Yoga Sleep Ritual presents a series of poses designed to maximize the benefits gained during a night of rest. In addition to the poses, this program contains meditations to assist the viewer in sleeping.
$25.00$69.95 -
Wing Lam- Iron Wire – Internal Energy Training
it strengthens your internal organs and cultivate your energies, known as Chi (a.k.a. Qi). One of our most popular videos!Available in DVD and VHS.
DVD Features:$15.00$49.95 -
Wildfit 90 Day Challenge GB – Day 0 Getting Started
Doesn’t reading that make you both angry and incredibly sad at the same time? If you’re fed up with this dysfunctional approach to feeding ourselves, you’re in the right place.
$90.00$895.00 -
Wendy Myers & Ian Clark – Medicinal Supplements Summit
He produces Oceans Alive Marine Phytoplankton and Panaseeda Oils. Through his journey to recovery following a near brush with death,
$35.00$99.00 -
Wade McNutt – Muscle Mastery
But first, let me ask you 2 questions: Do you remember what your ultimate vision was that got you into bodybuilding? And…
$40.00$199.00 -
Suzanne Scurlock-Durana – Healing From the Core – Release and Renewal
Having healthy boundaries, allowing you to feel more deeply connected to the world without burning out
$90.00$795.00 -
Suzanna Kennedy – LoveUp Relationship Detox and Upgrade
There is a solution to your dilemma. And it doesn’t matter what your relationship history is – there’s a solution that can work for you in your love life, and in all of your relationships.
$60.00$447.00 -
Susan Shumsky – Instant Healing – Transform Your Mind, Body and Emotions in 5 Minutes or…
Gain greater health and wellbeing, heal relationships, magnetize love, attract prosperity, become successful, and enjoy greater happiness.
$35.00$97.00 -
Susan Lanham-New – Sport and Exercise Nutrition (The Nutrition Society Textbook) – Mac-…
Part 1: covers the key components of the science that supports the practice of sport and exercise nutrition including comprehensive reviews on: nutrients both in general and as exercise fuels; exercise physiology; hydration, micronutrients; and supplements.
$25.00$74.99 -
Sue Morter – Fear Into Fire
we will create a free account for you so you can access this free gift online. You will also receive Dr. Sue’s fun and inspiring weekly emails. We love our subscribers! We respect your privacy and make it easy to unsubscribe at any time
$15.00$39.00 -
Sue Morter – Body Awake III
Putting the Pieces Together–Advanced Breakthrough Breathwork for: Moving Energy in the body, clearing Subconscious blockages piercing veils which block integration of all aspects of your Life Increased vitality, enhanced clarity, and focused Life Purpose.
$35.00$99.00 -
Sue Morter – Body Awake II
There is a balance that is required for the nervous system to promote healing in the body. There is a flow of energy that is essential in your life to allow the natural prosperity that is intended for you. And there is an integration technique that makes it all fun, simple and easy.
$35.00$99.00 -
Style – Stylelife Academy Gold Member Master CD #1
Examples are provided for each stage within a back pain rehabilitation program together with performance enhancement programs for athletes and coaches in all sports