Ian McIntosh – Rhythmic Synthesis
$20.00$50.00 (-60%)
A look at some of my favorite and most used synth patches and a deep dive into how and why they sound the way they do.
Ian McIntosh – Rhythmic Synthesis (2020 Ian McIntosh)
Check it out: Ian McIntosh – Rhythmic Synthesis (2020 Ian McIntosh)
Intro To Synthesis & Sound Design
How to master your synth/software/keyboard and finally start creating your own custom sounds.
Rhythmic Synthesis
Creating Movement: Arps, LFOs, Filter Gates, and more
Synth Patch MasterClass
A look at some of my favorite and most used synth patches and a deep dive into how and why they sound the way they do.
FM + Granular + Additive Synthesis
The weird evil step children of synthesis. (Alternative Title: The fun stuff)