Frank Kern – The Maximizer Program

$127.00$1,997.00 (-94%)

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Over the past four years, I’ve gone from saying “there’s no way I’ll ever have sales people” to now saying “I CAN’T BELIEVE HOW MANY MILLIONS I’VE LEFT ON THE TABLE BY NOT DOING THIS!


Frank Kern – The Maximizer Program

Frank Kern – The Maximizer Program

Check it out: Frank Kern – The Maximizer Program

Over the past four years, I’ve gone from saying “there’s no way I’ll ever have sales people” to now saying “I CAN’T BELIEVE HOW MANY MILLIONS I’VE LEFT ON THE TABLE BY NOT DOING THIS!
I’ll tell you.
As you saw in the challenge, it’s easier than ever to get leads …regardless of what you’re selling.
Well, one of the single most powerful sales messages are ones that are delivered by …REAL PEOPLE!
But not you. (Unless you want to).
Listen. I’m an introvert. And I hate the phone. And I’m NOT a “sales manager”.
But I’ve still managed to build a team of high perfoming, highly ethical (super important), sales people that I NEVER SEE and RARELY TALK TO!
Simple: Systems. I built systems and processes that basically “tee up” sales and appointments for my team.
This way, they’re never treated like pests, they’re only talking to people who are happy to hear from them, they don’t need to use any pressure, and they’re able to get sales.
NOBODY has seen this training. Ever. But in this bonus, I’ll show you my complete system …and I’ll show you how to build your own.
Starting on November 3rd of last year, I deployed a new approach to high ticket sales.
I used a combination videos (not webinars …simple videos), surveys, and email sequences …to sell an $18,000 training.
Fast forward to the end of the campaign and we made $1,818,000.00 in COLLECTED revenue.
…And the campaign ended in in March.
We’ve since applied the same formula to sell higher ticket offers like consulting packages whenever we’ve felt like creating “cash on demand”.
It’s a simple approach and it works well.
And in this bonus, I walk you through the entire campaign, all the email sequences, the sales scripting, and everything.

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Frank Kern – The Maximizer Program

Frank Kern – The Maximizer Program

$127.00$1,997.00 (-94%)

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